World Masters Women's Championships, Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia), 02-06.10.2018
PL.    Lifters BY Team Weight WF Lot All Squat All Bench Press All Deadlift TOTAL W.pts. Pts.
Masters 1
1. Isoda Akane 1970 JPN 51,72 1,2518 1 95,0 105,0 115,0 1 77,5 82,5 87,5 1 110,0 120,0 125,0 1 312,5 391,19 12
1. Gudsteinsdottir Maria 1970 ISL 56,38 1,1704 3 142,5 142,5 142,5 1 72,5 77,5    X 2 150,0 157,5 160,0 1 380,0 444,75 12
2. Funk Jodi 1973 USA 55,86 1,1789 2 120,0 120,0 140,0 2 85,0 92,5 92,5 1 130,0 142,5 152,5 2 377,5 445,03 9
1. Meister Babette 1973 CAN 62,10 1,0858 4 135,0 142,5 145,0 4 72,5 75,0 77,5 4 160,0 170,0 175,0 1 397,5 431,61 12
2. Izindre Annelie 1972 SWE 59,90 1,1163 6 150,0 157,5 157,5 2 95,0 100,0 102,5 1 135,0 142,5 142,5 4 395,0 440,94 9
3. Chizhevskaia Evgeniia 1975 RUS 60,25 1,1113 5 145,0 152,5 160,0 1 82,5 85,0 90,0 2 130,0 140,0 152,5 3 385,0 427,85 8
4. Iden Nicole 1978 USA 61,45 1,0945 8 135,0 137,5 137,5 5 72,5 77,5 77,5 3 120,0 130,0 140,0 5 345,0 377,60 7
— Vinogradova Yulia 1972 RUS 61,20 1,0980 7 152,5 152,5 155,0 3 70,0 70,0 70,0 — 135,0 145,0 152,5 2 DSQ — —
1. Johansson Ulrika 1972 SWE 67,55 1,0201 2 155,0 162,5 167,5 1 100,0 107,5 117,5 1 125,0 145,0 155,0 2 420,0 428,44 12
— Gordon Catherine 1973 GBR 69,70 0,9978 1 130,0 140,0 140,0 2 87,5 87,5 87,5 — 145,0 155,0 160,0 1 DSQ — —
1. Burroughs Catherine 1976 GBR 82,25 0,9014 3 145,0 155,0 165,0 1 82,5 87,5 87,5 1 155,0 167,5 177,5 1 420,0 378,59 12
1. Dickens Jade 1974 USA 116,70 0,8037 4 170,0 185,0 192,5 1 120,0 165,0 175,0 1 137,5 150,0 155,0 1 512,5 411,90 12
2. Nikzad Fatemeh 1978 IRI 84,85 0,8873 5 70,0 100,0 125,0 2 40,0 55,0 70,0 2 100,0 130,0 145,0 2 340,0 301,68 9
Nation (points)
1.  U.S.America 28   [12+9+7]   1234,53 w.pts.
2.  Sweden 21   [12+9]   869,38 w.pts.
3.  Iceland 12   [12]   444,75 w.pts.
4.  Canada 12   [12]   431,61 w.pts.
5.  Japan 12   [12]   391,19 w.pts.
6.  Great Britain 12   [12]   378,59 w.pts.
7.  Iran 9   [9]   301,68 w.pts.
8.  Russia 8   [8]   427,85 w.pts.
  Best Lifters of Masters 1
Rnk   Lifter  Nation B.Weight WF Total W.Points C.Rnk.
1. Funk Jodi U.S.America 55,86 1,1789 377,5 445,03 2
2. Gudsteinsdottir Maria Iceland 56,38 1,1704 380,0 444,75 1
3. Izindre Annelie Sweden 59,90 1,1163 395,0 440,94 2
Masters 2
1. Resch Catrin 1965 GER 45,30 1,3804 1 110,0 120,0 120,0 1 70,0 72,5    X 1 110,0 120,0 125,0 2 305,0 421,02 12
2. Price Kimberly 1962 USA 46,44 1,3565 2 95,0 95,0 105,0 2 50,0 52,5 57,5 2 125,0 132,5 150,0 1 290,0 393,38 9
1. Teramura Mika 1962 JPN 51,29 1,2599 5 120,0 130,0 132,5 1 82,5 85,0 87,5 1 120,0 130,0 135,0 1 355,0 447,26 12
2. Kelly Linda 1965 USA 51,46 1,2567 4 115,0 120,0 120,0 2 65,0 70,0 72,5 2 115,0 125,0 130,0 2 320,0 402,14 9
3. Batii Jazyei 1967 MGL 50,78 1,2696 6 100,0 110,0 110,0 3 60,0 60,0 62,5 3 110,0 120,0 125,0 4 272,5 345,97 8
4. Bekhtereva Irina 1959 RUS 50,56 1,2738 3 75,0 85,0 95,0 4 60,0 70,0 70,0 4 90,0 100,0 110,0 3 265,0 337,56 7
1. Allen Helen 1961 AUS 56,24 1,1727 10 110,0 120,0 120,0 1 62,5 67,5 67,5 4 162,5 175,0 175,0 1 345,0 404,58 12
2. Franklin Michelle 1966 GBR 55,32 1,1879 9 115,0 115,0 122,5 2 67,5 70,0 72,5 2 130,0 137,5 142,5 2 330,0 392,01 9
3. Grouet Lydie 1960 FRA 56,14 1,1743 7 112,5 112,5 112,5 3 75,0 77,5 77,5 1 125,0 130,0 135,0 3 317,5 372,84 8
4. Verma Seema 1966 IND 56,26 1,1723 8 95,0 95,0 102,5 4 62,5 67,5 67,5 3 100,0 105,0 110,0 4 275,0 322,38 7
1. Sturm Lara 1968 USA 61,70 1,0911 13 157,5 165,0 170,0 1 92,5 97,5 102,5 1 157,5 165,0 172,5 1 440,0 480,08 12
2. Xie Nandi 1963 USA 61,40 1,0952 12 120,0 132,5 137,5 2 87,5 92,5 97,5 2 135,0 150,0 150,0 2 365,0 399,75 9
3. Ip Wing-Yuk 1961 HKG 60,65 1,1056 11 90,0    X    X 3 67,5 72,5    X 3 105,0 120,0 135,0 3 277,5 306,80 8
1. Nelyubova Valentina 1966 RUS 68,75 1,0074 16 165,0 172,5 180,0 1 100,0 107,5 115,0 1 155,0 167,5 182,5 1 462,5 465,92 12
2. Crawford Tinamarie 1965 USA 70,20 0,9929 14 142,5 142,5 155,0 2 80,0 82,5 87,5 3 150,0 157,5 165,0 2 387,5 384,75 9
3. Vidziuniene Giedre 1966 LTU 69,85 0,9963 15 125,0 135,0 142,5 3 60,0 67,5 72,5 4 130,0 140,0 145,0 3 342,5 341,23 8
4. Skogman Seija 1965 FIN 68,90 1,0059 17 105,0 115,0 120,0 4 80,0 82,5 87,5 2 100,0 110,0 115,0 4 317,5 319,37 7
1. Styrlund Laura 1964 USA 82,60 0,8994 20 147,5 157,5 165,0 2 115,0 120,0 127,5 1 165,0 175,0 180,0 1 472,5 424,97 12
2. Stavheim Gro-Berit 1964 NOR 79,50 0,9182 19 167,5 175,0 180,0 1 80,0 85,0 92,5 3 155,0 160,0 170,0 2 435,0 399,42 9
3. Steidle Susanne 1964 GER 80,70 0,9106 18 130,0 140,0 150,0 3 80,0 85,0 92,5 2 150,0 160,0 170,0 3 402,5 366,52 8
4. Nakari Susanne 1968 FIN 81,10 0,9082 21 110,0 120,0 120,0 4 75,0 77,5 77,5 4 105,0 115,0 135,0 4 310,0 281,54 7
1. Blasbery Jacqueline 1963 GBR 88,05 0,8722 22 135,0 145,0 152,5 1 100,0 110,0 120,0 1 170,0 180,0 190,0 1 452,5 394,67 12
Nation (points)
1.  U.S.America 51   [12+12+9+9+9]   2100,33 w.pts.
2.  Great Britain 21   [12+9]   786,68 w.pts.
3.  Germany 20   [12+8]   787,54 w.pts.
4.  Russia 19   [12+7]   803,48 w.pts.
5.  Finland 14   [7+7]   600,92 w.pts.
6.  Japan 12   [12]   447,26 w.pts.
7.  Australia 12   [12]   404,58 w.pts.
8.  Norway 9   [9]   399,42 w.pts.
9.  France 8   [8]   372,84 w.pts.
10.  Mongolia 8   [8]   345,97 w.pts.
11.  Lithuania 8   [8]   341,23 w.pts.
12.  Hong Kong 8   [8]   306,80 w.pts.
13.  India 7   [7]   322,38 w.pts.
  Best Lifters of Masters 2
Rnk   Lifter  Nation B.Weight WF Total W.Points C.Rnk.
1. Sturm Lara U.S.America 61,70 1,0911 440,0 480,08 1
2. Nelyubova Valentina Russia 68,75 1,0074 462,5 465,92 1
3. Teramura Mika Japan 51,29 1,2599 355,0 447,26 1
Masters 3
1. Viitasaari Vuokko 1954 FIN 51,18 1,2620 5 100,0 110,0 115,0 1 65,0 70,0 75,0 1 110,0 125,0 130,0 1 310,0 391,22 12
2. Goodrich Cynthia 1957 USA 50,34 1,2780 4 90,0 100,0 105,0 2 62,5 70,0 70,0 2 105,0 115,0 120,0 2 277,5 354,64 9
1. Hunter Jennifer 1958 GBR 53,90 1,2123 8 92,5 102,5 110,0 1 70,0 77,5 82,5 1 130,0 140,0 145,0 1 332,5 403,09 12
1. Eremenko Svetlana 1957 RUS 57,18 1,1575 11 117,5 127,5 132,5 1 50,0 55,0 57,5 1 120,0 130,0 135,0 2 320,0 370,40 12
2. Olah Lucica 1955 ROU 62,65 1,0785 12 115,0 120,0 120,0 2 35,0 40,0 40,0 3 125,0 130,0 132,5 1 287,5 310,07 9
3. Macko Leslie 1949 USA 59,80 1,1178 10 60,0 67,5 72,5 3 40,0 45,0 45,0 2 90,0 97,5 100,0 3 210,0 234,74 8
1. Marksteiner Cathleen 1958 USA 63,30 1,0701 14 85,0 92,5 95,0 1 65,0 70,0 75,0 1 125,0 132,5 140,0 1 310,0 331,73 12
1. Takacova Hana 1954 CZE 85,50 0,8841 16 170,0 180,0 190,5-w3 1 120,0 130,5-w3 132,5-w3 1 130,0 142,5 160,0 1 483,0 -w3 427,02 12
2. Hallen Susan 1957 USA 105,50 0,8208 15 145,0 157,5 170,0 2 95,0 105,0 115,0 2 145,0 155,0 165,0 2 430,0 352,94 9
Nation (points)
1.  U.S.America 38   [12+9+9+8]   1274,06 w.pts.
2.  Czechia 12   [12]   427,02 w.pts.
3.  Great Britain 12   [12]   403,09 w.pts.
4.  Finland 12   [12]   391,22 w.pts.
5.  Russia 12   [12]   370,40 w.pts.
6.  Romania 9   [9]   310,07 w.pts.
  Best Lifters of Masters 3
Rnk   Lifter  Nation B.Weight WF Total W.Points C.Rnk.
1. Takacova Hana Czechia 85,50 0,8841 483,0 427,02 1
2. Hunter Jennifer Great Britain 53,90 1,2123 332,5 403,09 1
3. Viitasaari Vuokko Finland 51,18 1,2620 310,0 391,22 1
Masters 4
1. Kumpuniemi Eila 1942 FIN 46,48 1,3557 1 70,0 80,0 90,5-w4 1 40,0 45,0 55,0 1 90,0 100,0 120,0 1 235,5 319,27 12
1. Elwyn Susan 1947 USA 47,30 1,3387 3 85,0 100,0 100,0-w4 1 40,0 45,0 47,5 1 121,0-w4 127,5-w4 130,0-w4 1 275,0 -w4 368,14 12
2. Burns Bebe 1942 USA 50,60 1,2730 2 65,0 75,0 77,5 2 42,5 52,5 52,5 2 70,0 90,0 90,0 2 210,0 267,33 9
1. Malicot Maryse 1946 FRA 52,50 1,2374 7 85,0 85,0 90,0 1 42,5 45,0 47,5 1 80,0 87,5 95,0 1 230,0 284,60 12
2. Uvachan Nadezhda 1944 RUS 55,20 1,1900 6 70,0 75,0 80,0 2 42,5 45,0 45,0 2 70,0 80,0 85,0 2 210,0 249,90 9
1. Fomina Tatyana 1946 RUS 60,35 1,1099 9 107,5 115,5 115,5-w4 1 47,5 50,0 52,5 1 120,0 130,0 135,0 1 295,5 327,98 12
1. Moore Gail 1947 USA 71,40 0,9815 13 130,0 130,0 140,0 1 80,0 85,0 87,5 1 125,0 135,0 142,5-w4 1 360,0 353,34 12
Nation (points)
1.  U.S.America 33   [12+12+9]   988,81 w.pts.
2.  Russia 21   [12+9]   577,88 w.pts.
3.  Finland 12   [12]   319,27 w.pts.
4.  France 12   [12]   284,60 w.pts.
  Best Lifters of Masters 4
Rnk   Lifter  Nation B.Weight WF Total W.Points C.Rnk.
1. Elwyn Susan U.S.America 47,30 1,3387 275,0 368,14 1
2. Moore Gail U.S.America 71,40 0,9815 360,0 353,34 1
3. Fomina Tatyana Russia 60,35 1,1099 295,5 327,98 1
nb - New pers. bestlifts; n - National Record; c - Continental Record; w - World Record; cp - Competition's Record;
1..4 - Master's Record; j - Junior's Record; s - Subjunior's Record; ps. - Personally; X - the refused attempt.
DSQ - Disqualification; DR - Removed by a Doctor; TD - Technical Disqualification; DD - Doping Disqualification.
AUS = Australia HKG = Hong Kong NOR = Norway
CAN = Canada IND = India ROU = Romania
CZE = Czechia IRI = Iran RUS = Russia
FIN = Finland ISL = Iceland SWE = Sweden
FRA = France JPN = Japan USA = U.S.America
GBR = Great Britain LTU = Lithuania
GER = Germany MGL = Mongolia