Dear Presidents, Secretary Generals and representatives of the IPF Member Federations!

In about one month we will have our IPF General Assembly at our Open Powerlifting World’s on 4th November in Halmstad, Sweden.

As this is a rule change congress and also some important changes in the constitution and bylaws needs to be discussed and voted on, I encourage all IPF Member Federations to attend this General Assembly. According to the IPF Rules the President and/or Secretary General should attend and those persons will have the power for voting. If neither the President or Secretary General can attend, another representative, with a written permission signed by the President or Secretary General should attend. It is of highest importance that every IPF Member Federation is using it’s right to be represented at the General Assembly and to have a voice and a vote!

In the past years I was travelling a lot around the world for different championships and I had the opportunity to talk with many lifters, coaches and officials. During those conversations
I was told very often that people or national federations are not happy with decisions which were made at the recent General Assemblies. But when I asked them if they were present and made their
contribution in discussing and voting, most of them had to say no!

All decisions at the General Assembly will be made on a democratic way. But the decisions can just be made from those who are present. So it is the responsibility from each member federation to make sure that a representative will attend the General Assembly.

It is a democratic right for each member federation to have a voice and a vote at the General Assembly but you need to be aware that you need to use this right!
Also a high number of representatives and countries shows the importance of such a General Assembly as well it shows the world of sport that powerlifting is operating world wide and on a high level!

Once again, please use your right to be present at the IPF General Assembly in Halmstad and use your right to speak and vote!

I also want to remind you that the General Assembly will start on Sunday 4th November 2018 at 10am. So please coordinate your travels that you will arrive in time!

Gaston Parage

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