European University Cup 2022 in Luxembourg

The European University Cup took place in Hamm, Luxembourg last week and it was a great success even though we expected more nations to take part.

We are often asked when we will be IOC recognised. The answer is simple - when we all do our homework! We have opened the doors for University Sport and now the national federations must do their part.  Developing University Sport is a key part of our aim to popularise powerlifting and to recruit young athletes and it’s also important for IOC recognition. Therefore, I am kindly asking all our members to follow our lead and to make sure you get in touch with your national Universities.

I want to thank all those Federations who made sure that this competition was a success. The University lifters are very nice, respectful and supportive – this is one reason I like them so much and it gives me confidence in the future of our sport.

For those national federations who have not yet started working with their Universities, please can I recommend that you do so as soon as possible. You will see a lot of wonderful lifters enjoying our sport and that is what we are here for.

A big thanks to all the teams who attended and made it such a great competition.

Thank you

Best regards

Gaston Parage
IPF President

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