
Yearly Anti-Doping Reports

2021 IPF Anti-Doping Report



Who is subject to testing under the IPF Anti-Doping Rules?

As a powerlifter who is a member of the IPF, you can be notified for testing under the Testing Authority of the IPF, a National Anti-Doping Organization, and the World Anti-Doping Agency. During the World Games you may also be notified for testing under the Testing Authority of the International World Games Association.

For further information regarding how you are bound to the IPF Anti-Doping Rules refer to the Scope section of the Rules as well as Article 5 of the IPF Anti-Doping Rules which deals with testing.

Who can conduct sample collection?

The IPF can request that a National Anti-Doping Organization, a Regional Anti-Doping Organization, or a private Service Provider to act as a Sample Collection Authority and conduct testing on their behalf. The Sample Collection Authority then assigns certified Sample Collection Personnel to conduct the testing.

When can I be tested?

Testing can take place anytime/anywhere, and either in-competition or out-of-competition.

When is a test considered in-competition?

The IPF Anti-Doping Rules define the in-competition period as starting at 23:59 on the day before a competition in which an athlete is scheduled to participate in and carries through to the end of such competition and any sample collection process related to the competition.

Where does my sample go?

All urine and/or blood samples are shipped and analysed at World Anti-Doping Agency Accredited Laboratories (WADA accredited Laboratories), as required under the World Anti-Doping Code.

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