Stavanger, 7th November 2021
The IPF held an Extraordinary General Assembly at 1400 hrs on 7th November 2021 in Stavanger, Norway to hear a motion to expel USA Powerlifting (USAPL) from the International Powerlifting Federation. This was a result of USAPL’s non compliance with the WADA Code and ongoing violations of the Code even after their suspension from the IPF.
At that meeting, USAPL were given the opportunity to present their position and the IPF then responded with an explanation of their own position. Several questions were asked by member federations and these were duly answered before a vote was taken.
Four of the 27 represented nations abstained, leaving 23 counting votes. These 23 votes were unanimously in favour of the motion and it was duly passed. This is a clear message from the IPF that we will not tolerate any violation of the WADA Code and all member nations must be fully compliant.