International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) has issued an anti-doping rule violation, which includes a three (3) year period of ineligibility against Gabriel Horacio Garcia Corona as a result of his breach of Article 2.9 (Complicity) of the IPF Anti-Doping Rules. During his Presidency at the Federacion Mexicana de Powerlifting A.C. (FEMEPO), Gabriel Horacio Garcia Corona was complicit in allowing FEMEPO members to compete or be involved in FEMEPO matters while serving periods of ineligibility due to anti-doping rule violations.
Gabriel Horacio Garcia Corona’s period of ineligibility will conclude on 09 October 2027. Until that time, in accordance with Article 10.14.1 of the IPF Anti-Doping Rules, Gabriel Horacio Garcia Corona is subject to a prohibition against participation which includes a prohibition from competing or having any involvement in any activity authorised or organised by IPF, FEMEPO, or other World Anti-Doping Code Signatory member.
The list of athletes currently sanctioned by IPF is available through IPF’s Sanction Registry.