2024 FISU World University Championships (WUC) Powerlifting in Tartu/Estonia

Dear IPF Member Federations,

please find hereunder some important informations regarding the 2024 FISU World University Championships (WUC) Powerlifting in Tartu/Estonia:

1. Please find attached a template for the official invitation for the event, which was already sent to your National University Sports Federation (NUSF). This means that your NUSF is aware that the Powerlifting WUC is an official event from FISU. At the same time FISU is already encouraging your NUSF to participate at the event and to nominate athletes.

2. Nominations can only be done by your NUSF. Therefore it is essential that you have a good relation to your NUSF and in the most optimal situation both body organisations (your federation & NUSF) together will do the selection of the athletes. FISU and the NUSF’s are aware that all nominated lifters must be members of your federation, respective of the IPF. For this it is also important to have a good relation and cooperation with your Universities in which your athletes are currently studying and training.

3. Here is the link for the official championship webpage: https://powerlifting2024.fisu-events.com/  At this webpage you will find all relevant informations for the event.

4. Attached you will find also the first bulletin for the event with important informations.

Please contact your Universities and NUSF’s as soon as possible to guarantee a smooth nomination procedure.

More details will follow soon!

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